Monday, October 14, 2013

In the Way of Grace

"We have to make the Bible our Vade Mecum, our book of reference, our book of trust.  Let us be convinced more and more of the prodigious fertility of the Bible.  How much lies hidden and unobserved, even after many perusals; and surely if it be true that a man may read it an hundred times and find something on his next reading which he missed on all his former ones, oftener recourse to this means of grace bids fair for multiplying our blessings.  Therefore, let us be quick to be in the way of grace." Thomas Chalmers

1 comment:

MLS said...

Reminds me of the encouraging words of my dear uncle, who has now gone to be with the Lord. Years ago, when he was imploring me to read the Bible again and again, all the way through, he once said to me: "Marty, imagine getting to heaven and the Lord Jesus coming over, putting his arm around you, and saying, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. So... how did you like my Book?'" Hope we'll have no reason to be ashamed.